Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Warning: This may be a waste of three or four minutes of your life.

"This must be it, welcome to the New Year.
The drinks were consumed, the plants were destroyed and the hors d'oeuvres dismantled.
I'm not smiling behind this fake veneer.
I am often interrupted or completely ignored,
but most of all I'm bored.

I'm trying to find out if my words have any meaning;
lackluster and full of contempt when it always ends the same.
Why won't you listen to me?"

The New Year is about starting over; resolutions, maybe turning over a new leaf, being nicer, doing better, being happier.

This song, I'm in love with. Justin Pierre expresses the new year in the nonchalant way that it probably should be. Sure, it's the new year, but how about tomorrow? Tomorrow is a new day. Just because it's the new year doesn't mean anything changes.

So far, I would not say anything in my life has changed just because its the new year. I'm still as stressed as I was before; seven days ago. I don't even know if stressed is the word anymore. If this wasn't connected to my english blog and to a bunch of people who read these things once in a while (but probably don't actually care too much), I'd tell you about my day. It was terrific, really. I hope you can sense the sarcasm.

For emotional reasons and for the sole purpose that I'd rather NOT look like a huge...jerk...I will not be posting about my passed two weeks or so, even though you'd probably enjoy reading it very much. Not being sarcastic.

I haven't had any weird dreams lately that I can remember vividly enough to post here, but I promise I'll start eating chocolate before bed or something.

I warned you.

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